I restarted my HA leader after accidentally overloading it with requests – shutdown and restart seemed clean, and everything’s working, fly status
is showing cluster and read replica as healthy, but I’m getting this constantly in the leader’s log:
2022-10-26T14:07:11.073 app[dfa28db6] lhr [info] checking stolon status
2022-10-26T14:07:12.669 app[dfa28db6] lhr [info] keeper is healthy, db is healthy, role: master
2022-10-26T14:07:12.679 app[dfa28db6] lhr [info] configuring operator
2022-10-26T14:07:12.681 app[dfa28db6] lhr [info] error configuring operator user: can't scan into dest[3]: cannot scan null into *string