Postgres DB is not reachable

@jerome I still have problem with my postgres database. It is dead from yesterday and I don’t know how to revive it. Any ideas? (The volume is on fra region)

I just revived it. Sorry about that.

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I’m having this exact issue with the mia region. Everything worked fine until now.

I can still access the database, so the application is running fine, but I cannot deploy anymore because : Can't reach database server at "top2.nearest.of.talers-api-develop-db.internal":"5432".

I have a multi-region setup mia + ams, with mia being the primary region.

Any idea how to fix this?

A post was merged into an existing topic: :nxdomain errors when connecting to Postgres after upgrade

@jerome this exact error is occuring to me right now. Same error, no upgrades or reconfigurations

Can you still paste some logs for that error?

2023-02-21T17:53:45.921 app[3d8d375b90ee89] ord [info] keeper | 2023-02-21 17:53:45.918 UTC [8887] LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer

2023-02-21T17:54:16.208 app[3d8d375b90ee89] ord [info] sentinel | 2023-02-21T17:54:16.207Z ERROR cmd/sentinel.go:1889 cannot update sentinel info {“error”: “Unexpected response code: 500 (No cluster leader)”}

2023-02-21T17:54:21.081 app[5683934b791378] ord [info] keeper | 2023-02-21T17:54:21.081Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:870 failed to update keeper info {“error”: “Unexpected response code: 500 (rpc error making call: leadership lost while committing log)”}

@jerome can’t even get fly status to work, it’s hanging.