Postgres cannot restart

Ouch… I admittedly don’t know much about Supabase, but odds are that your current machine would need to be running in order to migrate, :thought_balloon:

It might be possible to override the existing machine’s startup sequence, so that you could at least SFTP the raw data files off of it.

(Caveat: the comment about fly pg import in that older post is unfortunately over-optimistic; too late to edit!)

It would still be necessary to feed that to a Linux Postgres v14.x instance running locally (on your desktop/laptop), :penguin:, which takes a lot of unfamiliar steps if you’ve never run PG that way before.

Alternatively, you could try contacting and see if they might lift the restriction long enough for you to grab† your data. Any user can send mail to that address; it’s not restricted to the paid plans the way other support is. There may be a few days’ delay before a response arrives, though…

†If the PG server is running, then pg_dump is the best bet. (Or pg_dumpall, if you were doing fancy things with roles, multiple databases, etc.)