Hi !
I’m a lucky owner of a hobby tier.
I’ve got a postgres database application, and i would like to pg_dump it to perform some tests locally before going “live” on my fly instance.
Unfortunately, it seems that my instance is now too big to be "pg_dump"ed without causing a out of memory on the pg instance due tu the hobby tier limitations.
What I do :
→ flyctl proxy 15432:5432 -a my-postgres
→ pg_dump -h localhost -p 15432 -U user_postgres db_postgres
and then…
on my prompt : pg_dump: error: error reading large object 1555059: server closed the connection unexpectedly
On Fly console : Out of memory: Killed process 3912 (postgres)
Can you help me ?
I’m not a postgres guru, and i think my dump attempt is pretty naive : Is there a way to perform a more effective dump without exceeding the hobby tier limits ?
Is there an other way to download my data locally to perform my tests ?
Thanks a lot