"/ormconfig.js" not found when launching app

I’m a Fly.io noob and I have a question about my NestJS app. My app is NestJS + TypeORM, and I’m getting this error when I launch using the CLI:

=> ERROR [production 4/8] COPY package.json package-lock.json ormconfig.js ./                                                                      0.0s
 > [production 4/8] COPY package.json package-lock.json ormconfig.js ./:
Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to compute cache key: "/ormconfig.js" not found: not found

Has anyone encountered this before? My project has a typeorm.ts file that I assumed was renamed during launch to ormconfig.js, but I guess not. I didn’t know I needed ormconfig.js. Does anyone know what I would need to add into this ormconfig.js file?


Can you show us your Dockerfile? I’m new to TypeORM, but ormconfig.js would have the host and password, according to Using Configuration Sources | TypeORM Docs.

Nevermind about this! My Dockerfile had a mention of ormconfig.js that I just had to remove.