I have an app running and I’m making significant changes to it so I created a new app and I’m trying to get that up and running. Everything runs fine locally it’s just when I deploy to fly I’m getting an ERROR 502 (after waiting quite some time).
The app is logging healthcheck requests, though those don’t seem to be working right either. And if I navigate to the healthcheck endpoint I get a 502 there as well.
Here’s the log output on startup:
2022-10-21T23:12:50Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]Starting init (commit: 249766e)...
2022-10-21T23:12:50Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]Mounting /dev/vdc at /data w/ uid: 0, gid: 0 and chmod 0755
2022-10-21T23:12:50Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]Preparing to run: `sh start.sh` as root
2022-10-21T23:12:50Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]2022/10/21 23:12:50 listening on [fdaa:0:23df:a7b:d827:2:6f19:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2022-10-21T23:12:50Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]+ npx prisma migrate deploy
2022-10-21T23:12:51Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
2022-10-21T23:12:51Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]Datasource "db": SQLite database "sqlite.db" at "file:/data/sqlite.db"
2022-10-21T23:12:51Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]2 migrations found in prisma/migrations
2022-10-21T23:12:51Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]No pending migrations to apply.
2022-10-21T23:12:52Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]+ npm run start
2022-10-21T23:12:52Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]> kentcdodds.com@1.0.0 start
2022-10-21T23:12:52Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]> cross-env NODE_ENV=production node --require ./node_modules/dotenv/config ./index.js
2022-10-21T23:12:55Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]Express server listening on port 8080
2022-10-21T23:12:55Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]prisma:info Starting a sqlite pool with 3 connections.
2022-10-21T23:13:04Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]prisma:query - 52ms - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT `main`.`PostRead`.`id` FROM `main`.`PostRead` WHERE 1=1 LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) AS `sub`
2022-10-21T23:13:09Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]GET /healthcheck - - - - ms
2022-10-21T23:13:24Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]GET /healthcheck - - - - ms
2022-10-21T23:13:39Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]GET /healthcheck - - - - ms
2022-10-21T23:13:54Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]GET /healthcheck - - - - ms
2022-10-21T23:14:09Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]GET /healthcheck - - - - ms
2022-10-21T23:14:24Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]GET /healthcheck - - - - ms
2022-10-21T23:14:39Z app[0450c2b2] den [info]GET /healthcheck - - - - ms
... continues
Any ideas?
For anyone at Fly, the app is called kcd-staging
and the code is in the dev
branch on GitHub - kentcdodds/kentcdodds.com: My personal website