No leader found for standalone postgres db, even after db/app restarts

The role is unknown for the single machine in this standalone postgres cluster.

I noticed this problem at the database migration step, when deploying a Phoenix app (not deployed since May 19). However, the database is accessible using the DATABASE_URL from the psql client through wireguard.

flyctl pg connect -a jbox-db fails with the Error: no active leader found message.

$ flyctl status -a jbox-db
ID            	STATE  	ROLE   	REGION	CHECKS            	IMAGE                                  	CREATED             	UPDATED
9185e0db779768	started	unknown	mad   	2 total, 2 passing	flyio/postgres-standalone:14.1 (v0.0.7)	2023-01-18T19:28:39Z	2023-06-20T09:12:48Z

Wondering if the recent forced upgrades of apps to V2 might have played a part.

one other thing I did before some of the restarts was to add a v6 IP address for the db app, since I saw in the web console that it didn’t have one.

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