Next.JS launch plan generate unsuccessful

Hi there, I’ve been looking into what could be causing this and so far I’ve came up empty handed, I don’t think this would be related to my service?

 Scanning source code

Detected a Next.js app

create Dockerfile

create docker-entrypoint.js

create .dockerignore

No migrations found. Please run `npx prisma migrate dev` to create an initial migration.

npm notice

npm notice New major version of npm available! 10.8.2 -> 11.0.0

npm notice Changelog:

npm notice To update run: npm install -g npm@11.0.0

unsuccessful command 'flyctl launch plan generate /tmp/manifest.json' 

I’m guessing that this is related to the changes I just pushed: Improved Prisma support - status and plans

And I’m assuming that you are using postgres?

Successfully deploying a prisma app will require migrations to be run to set up the database; and that requires you to run npx prisma migrate dev. Can you try that and then either push your changes to github and redeploy from there, or use the CLI by running fly launch?