New build - machine stuck

Hi I just pushed a new deployment of my app and the machine seems to be stuck:

fly logs -a vectro-staging -i e784e690b371e8
2024-01-13T00:49:00Z runner[e784e690b371e8] sjc [info]Pulling container image
2024-01-13T00:49:13Z runner[e784e690b371e8] sjc [info]Successfully prepared image (13.506791311s)

I tried stopping and killing the machine manually but it doesn’t work:

Error: could not kill machine e784e690b371e8: failed to kill VM e784e690b371e8: failed_precondition: machine not in known state for signaling, created (Request ID: 01HM05C5R245YEY44HS0NVCD07-sjc)
❯ fly machines status e784e690b371e8 -a vectro-staging
Machine ID: e784e690b371e8
Instance ID: 01HM04P8698DZHPC2AD2HJ89P9
State: created

❯ fly machines stop e784e690b371e8 -a vectro-staging
Sending kill signal to machine e784e690b371e8...
Error: could not stop machine e784e690b371e8: failed to stop VM e784e690b371e8: aborted: unable to stop machine, current state invalid, created (Request ID: 01HM05CXTRCKZ8AJHBV5BA06VD-sjc)

Can someone please help here!

Yep. Seems to be an issue with their API at the moment. My machines are stuck in “replacing”


My production is down, bad timing for deploying.

Any region thats working? (tried ewr and sjc so far)

This is the log

could not find a good candidate within 90 attempts at load balancing. last error: no known healthy instances found for route tcp/443. (hint: is your app shut down? is there an ongoing deployment with a volume or are you using the ‘immediate’ strategy? have your app’s instances all reached their hard limit?)

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