I’m trying to run an app that uses a custom app-level protocol (https://geminiprotocol.net/ , you can think of it like an ultra-lightweight HTTP). It runs over tcp on port 1965. But when I try to access it using a Gemini client I can’t seem to get it to connect to the app.
Here’s my fly.toml:
app = 'gemini-patient-river-2906'
primary_region = 'atl'
dockerfile = 'Dockerfile'
memory = '256mb'
cpu_kind = 'shared'
cpus = 1
internal_port = 1965
protocol = "tcp"
port = "1965"
Output from netstat:
netstat -tulpn
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3545/./aerozine
tcp6 0 0 fdaa:9:b800:a7b:2d6::22 :::* LISTEN 322/hallpass
FWIW, I don’t see a DNS record for the app’s gemini-patient-river-2906.fly.dev address. When I try to hit the IP (obtained from curl ipinfo.io/ip
) it still doesn’t work. Any advice? I’m not even sure what next step will help me troubleshoot at this point.