Multiple fly volumes confusion

I’m trying to set up a simple app that has a SQLite database. Looking at a few other posts it seems like this is accomplished using the volumes feature. When I run the fly volumes create command, I get the warning:

Warning! Individual volumes are pinned to individual hosts. You should create two or more volumes per application. You will have downtime if you only create one. Learn more at Fly Volumes overview · Fly Docs

Reading that doc page, it seems pretty critical to set up multiple volumes, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to do that. Other examples (, GitHub - remix-run/indie-stack: The Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with SQLite, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.) that I looked at seem to just mount a single volume, and the docs say that there’s one-to-one mapping between VMs and volumes.

How do I use multiple volumes for my app, as the warning suggests?

If you’re running vanilla SQLite then you’ll need to just run one volume. You’ll have a brief period of downtime when you deploy as only one VM can be attached to a volume at a time. During deployment, we stop the previous VM and restart it with the new version.

A similar question was asked recently that may help give some more context: So it's not possible to use SQLITE on fly without LiteFS ?


Thanks for the quick reply @benbjohnson!

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