How will I go about moving a cert from project A to project B?
I have two CNAMEs currently on another DNS provider. One subdomain CNAME points to, the second subdomain CNAME points to I want to modify the second domain CNAME to point to How will I then go about moving the cert from the to app?
Is it just a matter of deleting the cert on and asking for a new one on with: flyctl certs add Or is there a better process to ensure that we don’t run into a invalid/mis-configured cert issue?
You don’t have to delete the first cert before adding the second one. I’m sure the old one wouldn’t renew after you make the change, but for a Let’s Encrypt cert that will only be every couple of months. I’ve just been adding the new cert, finishing up whatever other transfers I need to do, then removing the old cert or deleing the old project.
If I were to just change the DNS entries’ CNAME to point to the new address and skip the whole ACME setup, will DNS resolutions to the old (while DNS propagation takes affect) cause an SSL error?
You’ll get SSL errors while you wait for the new certificate. That’s not an issue for new apps, but doing ACME validation first lets the certificate get issued before you start sending traffic to the new host.