Minor doc correction

The Request headers docs state this:


Client IP Address: The IP address the Fly Proxy accepted a connection from. This will be the client making the initial request and as such, will also appear at the start of the X-Forwarded-For addresses.

We’ve found “will also appear at the start of the X-Forwarded-For addresses” to be mostly true, but occasionally the first entry in X-Forwarded-For is a private IP like 192.168.X.X and the address from Fly-Client-IP is the second entry in the list (seemingly for certain VPN users). We’ll be switching to Fly-Client-IP for our use-case, but an update to the docs might help future users avoid the same mistake we did.

Hi, in general one should not trust all entries (or entries at a specific position from the start) in X-Forwarded-For completely; rather, it should be parsed in reverse order until an “untrusted” address is hit (MDN docs). In the context of Fly, the edge IP (the IP that your app domain resolves to) should always show up as the last entry, and should be trusted, but everything before which is not a known proxy to you should be treated as untrusted, discarding all entries that come further before.

I do agree that the docs could use some update to point out this specific gotcha.

Good to know! We’re not really trusting any of these values, just trying to identify the best IP address to represent the original requester.

Yes, if you aren’t using any other proxy (for example, Cloudflare) in front of Fly, then Fly-Client-IP would be the best header to use to identify the original requester. However, if there is any of these proxies in front, one would have to use X-Forwarded-For and parse the header as prescribed by MDN (because Fly-Client-IP will point to the proxy in this case, as we don’t know which proxies we are supposed to trust not to spoof the source IP when we parse X-Forwarded-For to set Fly-Client-IP).


@PeterCxy i also found a problem with the docs…
could you share your email or some other contact.
i emailed support@fly.io but its unmonitored, also emailed billing@fly.io but no response for a month

Hi @Zlatislav

Feel free to click on “Report an issue” or “edit this page on Github” at the bottom of the problematic doc to create a GitHub issue or open a PR.

If the problem is bigger than a single page, then just open an issue directly in the docs repo: superfly/docs issues

@elliotdickison thanks for letting us know how the docs could be improved! Started a PR: Request headers: update to correct inaccurate info about client IP by andie787 · Pull Request #1714 · superfly/docs · GitHub

Rad thank you. I will just PR next time - I missed that option.

@elliotdickison Docs feedback is welcome anywhere you want to give it. :pray:

Yeah but i get a 404 for it
That’s the link. I get it when i click on “documentation” on the photo

thanks for reporting! I’ll take a look.

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