Minio Instance not working

Hello, everyone! This is the first time that I am using I tried to deploy a minio instance loosely based on this GitHub - fly-apps/appkata-minio: MinIO S3-compatible storage on Fly and Use a MySQL Database · Fly Docs

I was able to deploy it here but the login page for minio is still not accessible. I thought the issue has something to do with https so I generated an TLS certificate using this GitHub - minio/certgen: A dead simple tool to generate self signed certificates for MinIO TLS deployments. If it helps, here’s the output of flyctl logs:

2022-10-28T17:32:26Z app[dabb77b2] nrt [info]MinIO Object Storage Server
2022-10-28T17:32:26Z app[dabb77b2] nrt [info]Copyright: 2015-2022 MinIO, Inc.
2022-10-28T17:32:26Z app[dabb77b2] nrt [info]License: GNU AGPLv3 <>
2022-10-28T17:32:26Z app[dabb77b2] nrt [info]Version: RELEASE.2022-10-24T18-35-07Z (go1.19.2 linux/amd64)
2022-10-28T17:32:26Z app[dabb77b2] nrt [info]Status:         1 Online, 0 Offline.
2022-10-28T17:32:26Z app[dabb77b2] nrt [info]API:
2022-10-28T17:32:26Z app[dabb77b2] nrt [info]Console:
2022-10-28T17:32:26Z app[dabb77b2] nrt [info]Documentation:

Here are the commands and files that I used:

For generating the certgen

./certgen -host "localhost *"

The fly.toml that I used:

app = "old-waterfall-8337"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
processes = []

  destination = "/data"
  source = "miniodata"

 cmd = [ "server", "/data","--console-address", ":9001", "--certs-dir", "/certs/"]

The Dockerfile:

FROM minio/minio

WORKDIR /certs/
COPY private.key .
COPY public.crt .