migrate-to-v2 Now Supports Nomad Autoscaling Apps

Thanks @senyo

After moving to auto-start/auto-stop I see machines wound down in the logs often followed by immediately the same machine starting back up:

# quitting because there's 2 machines?
2023-06-13T15:20:15Z proxy [e148e452addd89] yyz [info]Downscaling app udns in region yyz. Automatically stopping machine e148e452addd89. 2 instances are running, 0 are at soft limit, we only need 1 running

# starting back up after 5s ...
2023-06-13T15:20:20Z app[e148e452addd89] yyz [info]2023-06-13T15:20:20.240Z I NodeJs http-check listening on: [::]:8888
2023-06-13T15:20:20Z app[e148e452addd89] yyz [info]2023-06-13T15:20:20.241Z I NodeJs DoT listening on: [::]:10000
2023-06-13T15:20:20Z app[e148e452addd89] yyz [info]2023-06-13T15:20:20.241Z I NodeJs DoH listening on: [::]:8080
2023-06-13T15:20:20Z proxy[e148e452addd89] yyz [info]machine became reachable in 618.289451ms

Curiously, there’s only one machine in yyz. Btw, this happens with most other regions. Here’s the scale characteristic for the udns app:

➜ fly scale show -a udns  
VM Resources for app: udns

NAME	COUNT	KIND  	CPUS	MEMORY	REGIONS                                                                                                                                                
app 	39   	shared	1   	256 MB	ams(2),arn,atl,bog,bom(2),bos,cdg,den,dfw,ewr,eze,fra(2),gdl,gig,gru,hkg,iad,jnb,lax,lhr(2),mad,mia,nrt,ord,otp,phx,qro,scl,sea,sin(2),sjc,syd,yul,yyz

Only regions ams, bom, fra, and sin have 2 machines, while the rest don’t. Am I hitting a bug here wrt Fly expecting at least 2 machines per region for all regions?