Machine stuck on starting before timing out when running fly launch


When I ran fly launch for a NextJS app, it hangs for a while on “starting the machine” before displaying “timeout reached waiting for machine’s state to change.” I tried this in multiple regions (lax, sjc, phx, sea) but no luck.

Sorry if this thread has been posted already in the recent days. shows everything as optional (including deployments) with no incidents since Oct 23, 2024.

EDIT: Tried using --depot=false as mentioned in other topics. No luck with that.

Thanks for the help!

I fixed this issue by chmod +x and chmod +x docker-entrypoint.js (maybe other people with node.js deployments have these files). Since I copied the files from my original folder with a working deployment to a new folder, maybe I forget to change the execution permissions (I don’t think this is a issue with next js deployments).

Also, setting the DATABASE_URL to the local file in my .env file also may have created issues.

Overall, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with’s infrastructure, but maybe a clearer error message when is not set to executable?

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