When I ran fly launch for a NextJS app, it hangs for a while on “starting the machine” before displaying “timeout reached waiting for machine’s state to change.” I tried this in multiple regions (lax, sjc, phx, sea) but no luck.
Sorry if this thread has been posted already in the recent days. https://status.flyio.net/ shows everything as optional (including deployments) with no incidents since Oct 23, 2024.
EDIT: Tried using --depot=false as mentioned in other topics. No luck with that.
I fixed this issue by chmod +x run.sh and chmod +x docker-entrypoint.js (maybe other people with node.js deployments have these files). Since I copied the files from my original folder with a working deployment to a new folder, maybe I forget to change the execution permissions (I don’t think this is a fly.io issue with next js deployments).
Also, setting the DATABASE_URL to the local file in my .env file also may have created issues.
Overall, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with fly.io’s infrastructure, but maybe a clearer error message when run.sh is not set to executable?