Would it be possible to run multiple clusters per host for LiteFS, where each host hosts their own primary DB? For example (wrong region names, but it’s just an example), for three regions us-east1, us-west1, and eu-north1 (each with static IPs or a single host, no scaling complexity, no consul, just static leases):
primary_db: us-east1.sqlite3
secondary_dbs: us-west1.sqlite3, eu-north1.sqlite3
primary_db: us-west1.sqlite3
secondary_dbs: us-east1.sqlite3, eu-north1.sqlite3
primary_db: eu-north1.sqlite3
secondary_dbs: us-east1.sqlite3, us-west1.sqlite3
This is essentially a multi-master setup, and my app could use Sqlite’s “ATTACH” functionality for transparent cross database queries.
Maybe another way to describe the idea is sharding my data by region, with each shard being it’s own primary in that specific region.