I’m trying to create a database cluster following the docs
Ran fly postgres create
Selected sin
as the location.
After taking 11 minutes, the process stopped running. I checked it with fly postgres list
and noticed it’s “pending”. Trying fly restart divine-wind-7241
causes it to go into “suspended” mode.
Here’s the logs if it helps:
$ flyctl --app divine-wind-7241 logs
2021-04-18T16:51:13.775Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Restarting...
2021-04-18T16:51:13.775Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:13.787Z cc8facaf sin [info] keeper | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:13.788Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | Interrupting...
2021-04-18T16:51:13.794Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:13.792Z INFO cmd/sentinel.go:2000 sentinel uid {"uid": "33d805a1"}
2021-04-18T16:51:13.798Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:13.795Z FATAL cmd/sentinel.go:2021 cannot create sentinel: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:13.801Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | 2021-04-18T16:51:13.798Z FATAL cmd/proxy.go:433 cannot create cluster checker: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:13.873Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Restarted with pid 589...
2021-04-18T16:51:13.873Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:13.874Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:13.875Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Restarted with pid 587...
2021-04-18T16:51:13.875Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:15.456Z cc8facaf sin [info] Main child exited normally with code: 1
2021-04-18T16:51:15.457Z cc8facaf sin [info] Starting clean up.
2021-04-18T16:51:15.457Z cc8facaf sin [info] Reaped child process with pid: 554, exit code: 0
2021-04-18T16:51:15.471Z cc8facaf sin [info] Umounting /dev/vdc from /data
2021-04-18T16:51:19.147Z cc8facaf sin [info] Starting instance
2021-04-18T16:51:19.174Z cc8facaf sin [info] Configuring virtual machine
2021-04-18T16:51:19.175Z cc8facaf sin [info] Pulling container image
2021-04-18T16:51:21.517Z cc8facaf sin [info] Unpacking image
2021-04-18T16:51:21.523Z cc8facaf sin [info] Preparing kernel init
2021-04-18T16:51:21.610Z cc8facaf sin [info] Setting up volume 'pg_data'
2021-04-18T16:51:21.837Z cc8facaf sin [info] Configuring firecracker
2021-04-18T16:51:22.074Z cc8facaf sin [info] Starting virtual machine
2021-04-18T16:51:22.196Z cc8facaf sin [info] Starting init (commit: 0512da4)...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.210Z cc8facaf sin [info] Mounting /dev/vdc at /data
2021-04-18T16:51:22.213Z cc8facaf sin [info] Running: `docker-entrypoint.sh /fly/start.sh` as root
2021-04-18T16:51:22.229Z cc8facaf sin [info] 2021/04/18 16:51:22 listening on [fdaa:0:21ca:a7b:f0f:0:18c3:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2021-04-18T16:51:22.306Z cc8facaf sin [info] system | Tmux socket name: overmind-fly-ymDQ7eYFxSozhcBQG6cQJh
2021-04-18T16:51:22.307Z cc8facaf sin [info] system | Tmux session ID: fly
2021-04-18T16:51:22.308Z cc8facaf sin [info] system | Listening at ./.overmind.sock
2021-04-18T16:51:22.407Z cc8facaf sin [info] keeper | Started with pid 555...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.409Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Started with pid 558...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.410Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Started with pid 560...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.411Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | Started with pid 563...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.415Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | INFO[0000] Starting Server: :9187 source="postgres_exporter.go:1837"
2021-04-18T16:51:22.513Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:22.509Z INFO cmd/sentinel.go:2000 sentinel uid {"uid": "683f7dd3"}
2021-04-18T16:51:22.523Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | 2021-04-18T16:51:22.520Z FATAL cmd/proxy.go:433 cannot create cluster checker: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:22.528Z cc8facaf sin [info] keeper | 2021-04-18T16:51:22.524Z FATAL cmd/keeper.go:2081 cannot create keeper: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:22.531Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:22.528Z FATAL cmd/sentinel.go:2021 cannot create sentinel: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:22.608Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:22.609Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:22.609Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Restarting...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.610Z cc8facaf sin [info] keeper | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:22.610Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Restarting...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.622Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:22.621Z INFO cmd/sentinel.go:2000 sentinel uid {"uid": "13ae81fd"}
2021-04-18T16:51:22.628Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:22.625Z FATAL cmd/sentinel.go:2021 cannot create sentinel: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:22.635Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | 2021-04-18T16:51:22.632Z FATAL cmd/proxy.go:433 cannot create cluster checker: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:22.708Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | Interrupting...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.709Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:22.709Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Restarted with pid 588...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.710Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Restarted with pid 586...
2021-04-18T16:51:22.711Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:22.711Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:24.306Z cc8facaf sin [info] Reaped child process with pid: 554, exit code: 0
2021-04-18T16:51:24.306Z cc8facaf sin [info] Main child exited normally with code: 1
2021-04-18T16:51:24.307Z cc8facaf sin [info] Starting clean up.
2021-04-18T16:51:24.321Z cc8facaf sin [info] Umounting /dev/vdc from /data
2021-04-18T16:51:27.710Z cc8facaf sin [info] Starting instance
2021-04-18T16:51:27.734Z cc8facaf sin [info] Configuring virtual machine
2021-04-18T16:51:27.735Z cc8facaf sin [info] Pulling container image
2021-04-18T16:51:30.084Z cc8facaf sin [info] Unpacking image
2021-04-18T16:51:30.092Z cc8facaf sin [info] Preparing kernel init
2021-04-18T16:51:30.199Z cc8facaf sin [info] Setting up volume 'pg_data'
2021-04-18T16:51:30.467Z cc8facaf sin [info] Configuring firecracker
2021-04-18T16:51:30.706Z cc8facaf sin [info] Starting virtual machine
2021-04-18T16:51:30.810Z cc8facaf sin [info] Starting init (commit: 0512da4)...
2021-04-18T16:51:30.824Z cc8facaf sin [info] Mounting /dev/vdc at /data
2021-04-18T16:51:30.827Z cc8facaf sin [info] Running: `docker-entrypoint.sh /fly/start.sh` as root
2021-04-18T16:51:30.841Z cc8facaf sin [info] 2021/04/18 16:51:30 listening on [fdaa:0:21ca:a7b:f0f:0:18c3:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2021-04-18T16:51:30.918Z cc8facaf sin [info] system | Tmux socket name: overmind-fly-WYtqL-xcA1K6ptTFQ3MMrV
2021-04-18T16:51:30.919Z cc8facaf sin [info] system | Tmux session ID: fly
2021-04-18T16:51:30.920Z cc8facaf sin [info] system | Listening at ./.overmind.sock
2021-04-18T16:51:31.019Z cc8facaf sin [info] keeper | Started with pid 555...
2021-04-18T16:51:31.020Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Started with pid 558...
2021-04-18T16:51:31.022Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Started with pid 560...
2021-04-18T16:51:31.023Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | Started with pid 563...
2021-04-18T16:51:31.024Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | INFO[0000] Starting Server: :9187 source="postgres_exporter.go:1837"
2021-04-18T16:51:31.121Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:31.117Z INFO cmd/sentinel.go:2000 sentinel uid {"uid": "f768a714"}
2021-04-18T16:51:31.129Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | 2021-04-18T16:51:31.125Z FATAL cmd/proxy.go:433 cannot create cluster checker: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:31.137Z cc8facaf sin [info] keeper | 2021-04-18T16:51:31.134Z FATAL cmd/keeper.go:2081 cannot create keeper: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:31.140Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:31.137Z FATAL cmd/sentinel.go:2021 cannot create sentinel: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:31.220Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:31.221Z cc8facaf sin [info] keeper | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:31.221Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Restarting...
2021-04-18T16:51:31.222Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Restarting...
2021-04-18T16:51:31.222Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:31.240Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | 2021-04-18T16:51:31.237Z FATAL cmd/proxy.go:433 cannot create cluster checker: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:31.242Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:31.240Z INFO cmd/sentinel.go:2000 sentinel uid {"uid": "c7a564f3"}
2021-04-18T16:51:31.246Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | 2021-04-18T16:51:31.243Z FATAL cmd/sentinel.go:2021 cannot create sentinel: cannot create store: cannot create kv store: Put "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-04-18T16:51:31.320Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | Interrupting...
2021-04-18T16:51:31.321Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:31.321Z cc8facaf sin [info] sentinel | Restarted with pid 590...
2021-04-18T16:51:31.322Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Restarted with pid 588...
2021-04-18T16:51:31.323Z cc8facaf sin [info] proxy | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:31.422Z cc8facaf sin [info] postgres_exporter | Exited
2021-04-18T16:51:32.927Z cc8facaf sin [info] Reaped child process with pid: 554, exit code: 0
2021-04-18T16:51:32.927Z cc8facaf sin [info] Main child exited normally with code: 1
2021-04-18T16:51:32.928Z cc8facaf sin [info] Starting clean up.
2021-04-18T16:51:32.941Z cc8facaf sin [info] Umounting /dev/vdc from /data
Error 404 Not Found