Is there a way to set the VM size for the release_command execution machine?

I have the following configuration:

  worker = "/app/bin/worker"
  www = "/app/bin/www"
  cpu_kind = "performance"
  cpus = 4
  memory = 8192
  processes = ["fly_app_release_command"]
  cpu_kind = "performance"
  cpus = 1
  memory = 1024
  processes = ["www", "worker"]

However, the release_command is running on a performance-1x machine.

How can I make it run on a performance-4x machine instead?

Hey @jechol,

Your memory size for performance-1x is set to 1024. I don’t think this is right. It should be 2048. This is mentioned in the machine sizing guide-Machine Sizing · Fly Docs

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