Is `fly deploy` support for building images supported for Fly Machines?

It isn’t fully ready yet, but yes, fly deploy mostly works for Machine apps. I find it very convenient to use it over the API.

You’d need to add the --auto-confirm flag if you’re running fly deploy for Machine apps in a non-interactive environment (ex: CI/CD pipelines; code).

New Machines:

  1. You can exec fly m run . --dockerfile </path/to/dockerfile> -a <app-name> <other-args> to build an image and “run” the Machine with a single command (see)
  2. And then, fly clone that Machine to other regions, if need be.

Existing Machines:

  1. You can fly update --dockerfile </path/to/dockerfile> -a <app-name> <other-args>
  2. Or replace --dockerfile </path/to/dockerfile> with --image<app-name>:<img-tag> to use an existing image.