Image pull failing in AMS

After multiple attempts, I had to remove the AMS region to successfully deploy. does not show any blips.

2022-08-01T03:01:50.218 runner[246002b5] ams [info] Unpacking imag
2022-08-01T03:01:50.366 runner[246002b5] ams [info] Pull failed, retrying (attempt #0
2022-08-01T03:01:51.259 runner[246002b5] ams [info] Unpacking image
2022-08-01T03:01:51.400 runner[246002b5] ams [info] Pull failed, retrying (attempt #1)
2022-08-01T03:01:52.175 runner[246002b5] ams [info] Unpacking image
2022-08-01T03:01:52.316 runner[246002b5] ams [info] Pull failed, retrying (attempt #2)
2022-08-01T03:01:52.316 runner[246002b5] ams [info] Pulling image failed
2022-08-01T03:01:56.421 runner[1b089cd6] ams [info] Starting instance
2022-08-01T03:01:56.530 runner[1b089cd6] ams [info] Configuring virtual machine
2022-08-01T03:01:56.552 runner[1b089cd6] ams [info] Pulling container image
2022-08-01T03:01:58.003 runner[1b089cd6] ams [info] Unpacking image
2022-08-01T03:01:58.231 runner[1b089cd6] ams [info] Pull failed, retrying (attempt #0) 

I have the same problem in ams.

flyctl deploy fails with:

1 desired, 1 placed, 0 healthy, 1 unhealthy
Failed Instances

2022-08-01T04:18:37Z Received Task received by client
2022-08-01T04:18:37Z Task Setup Building Task Directory
2022-08-01T04:18:51Z Driver Failure rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unable to create microvm: error pulling image: unknown



2022-08-01T04:18:51Z Not Restarting Error was unrecoverable
2022-08-01T04:18:51Z Alloc Unhealthy Unhealthy because of failed task
2022-08-01T04:18:52Z Killing Sent interrupt. Waiting 10s before force killing

2022-08-01T04:18:39Z [info]Starting instance
2022-08-01T04:18:39Z [info]Configuring virtual machine
2022-08-01T04:18:39Z [info]Pulling container image
2022-08-01T04:18:49Z [info]Unpacking image
2022-08-01T04:18:49Z [info]Pull failed, retrying (attempt #0)
2022-08-01T04:18:50Z [info]Unpacking image
2022-08-01T04:18:50Z [info]Pull failed, retrying (attempt #1)
2022-08-01T04:18:51Z [info]Unpacking image
2022-08-01T04:18:51Z [info]Pull failed, retrying (attempt #2)
2022-08-01T04:18:51Z [info]Pulling image failed
→ v700 failed - Failed due to unhealthy allocations - not rolling back to stable job version 700 as current job has same specification and deploying as v701

→ Troubleshooting guide at Troubleshooting your deployment · Fly Docs
Error abort

Thanks for the heads up on this, it seems like one of our hosts is having issues pulling a base image. We’ve pulled it out of the pool for now, will you see if your deploys work better?


Thanks for the quick reply. It works now, the latest deployment was successful. Thanks!

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