I’m trying to test out NextJs on Fly and using Vercel’s with-docker example.
However, I keep getting errors after deployment and the automatic fly site doesn’t work.
2022-02-03T02:04:51.230 runner[d7817843] sin [info] Starting instance
2022-02-03T02:04:51.258 runner[d7817843] sin [info] Configuring virtual machine
2022-02-03T02:04:51.259 runner[d7817843] sin [info] Pulling container image
2022-02-03T02:04:56.392 runner[d7817843] sin [info] Unpacking image
2022-02-03T02:04:56.884 runner[d7817843] sin [info] Preparing kernel init
2022-02-03T02:04:57.282 runner[d7817843] sin [info] Configuring firecracker
2022-02-03T02:05:02.337 runner[d7817843] sin [info] Starting virtual machine
2022-02-03T02:05:02.484 app[d7817843] sin [info] Starting init (commit: 0c50bff)…
2022-02-03T02:05:02.500 app[d7817843] sin [info] Preparing to run:
docker-entrypoint.sh node server.js
as nextjs2022-02-03T02:05:02.508 app[d7817843] sin [info] 2022/02/03 02:05:02 listening on [fdaa:0:49ae:a7b:232f:d781:7843:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2022-02-03T02:05:02.839 app[d7817843] sin [info] Listening on port 3000
2022-02-03T02:05:40.567 proxy[d7817843] sin [error] Health check status changed ‘passing’ => ‘critical’
Has anyone managed to get NextJS docker working on fly.io? It seems seriously more difficult than I anticipated.