How to connect to a 3rd party image that listens for IPv4 addresses using Fly's private networking?

Hey @kurt - thanks for looking in to this! Yea I believe so. What appears to be happening is that the Cube Store Refresh Worker (top right in this diagram) doesn’t seem to be able to connect to the Cube Store Router.

When I deploy a cubestore refresh worker, the first few logs I see are:

2021-10-23T05:07:45.625 app[5c51eb05] lax [info] 2021-10-23 05:07:45,624 ERROR [cubestore::cluster] <pid:510> Failed to get warmup partitions: Internal: Connection refused (os error 111)
2021-10-23T05:07:49.500 app[5c51eb05] lax [info] 2021-10-23 05:07:49,499 ERROR [cubestore::cluster] <pid:510> Error in processing loop: Internal: Connection refused (os error 111)

When I check the first error, it comes from calling this method

I (think) the second error afterwards comes from calling this method here

I’m not sure if this is enough useful information to help resolve this, so please let me know what else I can provide.