I’m trying to store user uploaded content in mounted volume and expose it using statics. However it doesn’t seem to be working and I don’t know how to debug it. What should I try or look into? Thank you!
guest_path = "/workspace/media"
url_prefix = "/media"
request resulting in 404
➜ ~ curl -i https://screenchat.fly.dev/media/recordings/2022-02-13-181535-screen.webm
HTTP/2 404
content-length: 179
content-type: text/html
cross-origin-opener-policy: same-origin
date: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 10:27:03 GMT
referrer-policy: same-origin
server: Fly/36a8cd76 (2022-02-11)
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-frame-options: DENY
fly-cache-status: MISS
via: 2 fly.io
fly-request-id: 01FVVWB0R6ZE4FTBFE0MKN9A3H
ls showing the file present
➜ screenhelp git:(main) ✗ flyctl ssh console
Update available 0.0.295 -> v0.0.297.
Run "flyctl version update" to upgrade.
Connecting to top1.nearest.of.screenchat.internal... complete
# ls /media
# ls /workspace/media
lost+found recordings
# ^[[A : not found
# in/sh: 3:
# ls /workspace/media/recordings