Hitting Fly Machine instance via private IP

I created an App which contains two different Machine VMs; the VMs are running different Docker images.

After creating a new machine using flyctl, I was given a private ip:
Machine started, you can connect via the following private ip fdaa:0:f205:a7b:a45b:4f67:ccf4:2

How can I hit that particular instance of the VM directly from the public internet?

On way is using (userspace) wireguard proxy which is accessible with the flyctl proxy command: wireguard tunnels from userland - #2 by kurt

Ref this example from docs on connecting to MinIO’s web-ui over (6pn) private IP with flyctl proxy: Deploy MinIO Object Storage to Fly.io · Fly Docs

Read also: WireGuard peering without proxy - #2 by kurt

I am facing the same problem here trying to proxy all requests through a new machine private_ip but i get ENOTFOUND on the ip:

app.use(async (req, res, next) => {
	try {
		const { ip, id } = await newMachine();

		const proxyMiddleware = createProxyMiddleware({
			target: `http://${ip}:80`,
			changeOrigin: true,
			onError: async (err, req, res) => {
				console.error("An error occurred while proxying the request:", err);
				await killMachine(id);
					message: "An error occurred while proxying the request.",
					error: err,
			onProxyRes: async (proxyRes, req, res) => {
				await killMachine(id);
				console.log(`Request to ${req.url} was successfully proxied.`);

		proxyMiddleware(req, res, next);
	} catch (error) {
		console.error("Error creating a new machine:", error.message);
		res.status(500).json({ message: "Error creating a new machine.", error });

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