Heroku Postgres migration to Fly Postgres not working - No errors

We have tried 100 times to move a Postgres 16.3 from Heroku to Fly with no success.

The more frustrating part is there is no errors, so we have no idea why this isnt working.

Created an ephemeral machine 90801166b04708 to run the import process.
Connecting to fdaa:3:6f33:a7b:316:7683:d946:2... complete
[info] Running pre-checks...
[info] Source Postgres version: 16.3 (Ubuntu 16.3-1.pgdg20.04+1)
[info] Target Postgres version: 16.3 (Ubuntu 16.3-1.pgdg24.04+1)
[info] Pre-checks completed without issue
[info] Starting import process... (This could take a while)
[error] failed to import database: exit status 2
Waiting for ephemeral machine 90801166b04708 to be destroyed ... done.
Error: failed to run ssh: ssh shell: Process exited with status 1

Following this guide, with zero luck: Migrate a Postgres Database from Heroku ยท Fly Docs

You may have to look at the machine logs for more information.

Do you see anything interesting when running: fly logs -i 90801166b04708 ?

I tried taking a look @shaun as the deploys would run and only one time did I see something about the database not existing, but once I started adding --clean and --create flags there is no visible errors unfortunately in the machine logs.

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