Get error that table does not exist on

Getting this error:

Not sure how to fix, I followed instructions of GitHub - remix-run/indie-stack: The Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with SQLite, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc. fully.

I can run this:

fly ssh console -C database-cli

Connecting to top1.nearest.of.nikiv-web.internal... complete

+ sqlite3 file:/data/sqlite.db
SQLite version 3.34.1 2021-01-20 14:10:07
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

So not sure what else I need to do.

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If you run .schema from the sqlite CLI, is your table listed there?

How to access the sqlite cli? I dont see any docs about that. When I am trying to run fly ssh console -C database-cli, i do get an error that database-cli path is not there.

I have exactly the same problem that user table is not there when I am making a post request to my /login endpoint. Stack: Remix, Prisma (sqlite)

It doesn’t

sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "_prisma_migrations" (
    "id"                    TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    "checksum"              TEXT NOT NULL,
    "finished_at"           DATETIME,
    "migration_name"        TEXT NOT NULL,
    "logs"                  TEXT,
    "rolled_back_at"        DATETIME,
    "started_at"            DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
    "applied_steps_count"   INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0

Going to try create it and see if it fixes it. Not sure how yet.

As said earlier, you can’t have a table name with a schema on SQLite.

Main.user is not valid with SQLite. Users is.