Up until a few days ago, fly deploy --local-only was working just fine.
Not sure what exactly changed but as of 2 days ago, i keep getting this error: “error building: failed to dial gRPC: http: invalid Host header.”
Here is an output of the logs just when it crashes:
"query": "\nmutation ResolverFinishBuild ($input: FinishBuildInput!) {\n\tfinishBuild(input: $input) {\n\t\tid\n\t\tstatus\n\t\twallclockTimeMs\n\t}\n}\n",
"variables": {
"input": {
"appName": "****",
"buildId": "2642672",
"builderMeta": {
"builderType": "local",
"buildkitEnabled": true,
"dockerVersion": "24.0.2",
"platform": "linux/aarch64/",
"remoteAppName": "",
"remoteMachineId": ""
"clientMutationId": "",
"finalImage": {
"id": "",
"sizeBytes": 0,
"tag": ""
"logs": "error building: failed to dial gRPC: http: invalid Host header",
"machineId": "",
"status": "failed",
"strategiesAttempted": [
"error": "",
"note": "no buildpack builder configured, skipping",
"result": "failed",
"strategy": "Buildpacks"
"error": "error building: failed to dial gRPC: http: invalid Host header",
"note": "",
"result": "failed",
"strategy": "Dockerfile"
"timings": {
"buildAndPushMs": 7527,
"buildMs": 7522,
"builderInitMs": 0,
"contextBuildMs": 2,
"imageBuildMs": 7519,
"pushMs": -1
"operationName": "ResolverFinishBuild"
Please note that i can build with docker locally directly but cant seem to build locally with fly.
I deleted my builder machine to see if that helps but no luck.
flyctl deploy works (i.e. with remote builder).
normally id be fine with this workaround but it takes so much more time to deploy with remote builder than with --local-only so would love to get this resolved.
Thank you!