Hey there,
I remember I had it working but anyway, now I’m trying to use flycast, it doesn’t work anymore.
Steps I followed:
1) Fly deploy
Updating existing machines in 'myaddress' with rolling strategy
✔ Cleared lease for ......
Checking DNS configuration for myaddress.fly.dev
Visit your newly deployed app at https://myaddress.fly.dev/
2) listing IP
$ fly ips list
v6 fdaa:9:a154:0:1::3 private global Aug 31 2024 14:58
3) fly machine run --shell ubuntu
root@6830749c111038:/# nslookup myaddress.flycast
Server: fdaa::3
Address: fdaa::3#53
*** Can't find myaddress.flycast: No answer
4) This is fly.toml
app = 'myaddress'
primary_region = 'ams'
internal_port = 8080
# must be false - Flycast is http-only
force_https = false
# Fly Proxy stops Machines based on traffic
auto_stop_machines = "stop"
# Fly Proxy starts Machines based on traffic
auto_start_machines = true
# Number of Machines to keep running in primary region
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ['app']
memory = '1gb'
cpu_kind = 'shared'
cpus = 1
I don’t see any sign my app getting called when calling from another machine http://myaddress.flycast address , just getting error and also the manual way I mentioned above also not working.
Any idea what’s wrong?