Hi – I have a simple django project deployed on fly. It’s up and running successfully and I can sign up as a user. I want to promote it to a superuser using the django shell, so perform the commands below:
- fly ssh console
- source .venv/bin/activate
- python manage.py shell
At this point, I will sometimes get a message that the shell starts to run with a ‘>>>’ prompt, but then it exits to the command shell on my local machine (Windows). Normally it doesn’t even get to the ‘>>>’ prompt before exiting. There is no error message; I am simply taken back to the command prompt on my local machine. I thought maybe the machine was stopping while I was logged in, so I set auto_machines_stop = false, and min_machines_running = 1 in my fly.toml file, and then redeployed. I still get the same issue, though. Any thoughts on what else might be causing the problem and if there is a work around?