`fly ssh console -s` now shows roles on the machine selector

Flyctl 0.1.24 comes with a new improvement on fly ssh console -s:

$ fly ssh console -s -a YOUR_APP_NAME
? Select VM:  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> gru: 4d891974b75087 fdaa:0:3335:a7b:136:babf:baa4:2 damp-tree-1545 (replica)
  gru: 3d8d93e5a91489 fdaa:0:3335:a7b:145:f8f3:4f3d:2 barman (barman)
  gru: e784e049ad1283 fdaa:0:3335:a7b:135:94bc:e28a:2 polished-bush-3471 (replica)
  gru: 32874693f15285 fdaa:0:3335:a7b:135:af23:598:2 weathered-dream-657 (primary)

It always bothered me to have to figure out what’s my primary database machine when SSHing into it. This is all about roles so we added a simple note of the role of each machine on your SSH options when using -s flag.

This also works with any apps that have a health check named role, just like the Monitoring Page role column works.

I hope this helps make your life easier, it sure helped me.