fly launch fails when creating postgres

I’ll join in here and I’m having a similar issue just when trying to run fly launch, i’m trying to add postgress as well.

1 desired, 1 placed, 0 healthy, 1 unhealthy [restarts: 2] [health checks: 3 total]
v0 failed - Failed due to unhealthy allocations
Failed Instances

==> Failure #1

  ID            = b4a80f48  
  Process       =           
  Version       = 0         
  Region        = fra       
  Desired       = run       
  Status        = pending   
  Health Checks = 3 total   
  Restarts      = 2         
  Created       = 25s ago   

Recent Events
TIMESTAMP            TYPE       MESSAGE                         
2022-01-13T21:42:23Z Received   Task received by client         
2022-01-13T21:42:23Z Task Setup Building Task Directory         
2022-01-13T21:42:26Z Started    Task started by client          
2022-01-13T21:42:30Z Terminated Exit Code: 2                    
2022-01-13T21:42:31Z Restarting Task restarting in 1.106591616s 
2022-01-13T21:42:37Z Started    Task started by client          
2022-01-13T21:42:41Z Terminated Exit Code: 2                    
2022-01-13T21:42:42Z Restarting Task restarting in 1.242090675s 

Recent Logs
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info]         "work_mem": "4MB"
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info]     },
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info]     "maxStandbysPerSender": 50
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] }
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] generated new config
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] Listening on port 5500keeper   | Running...
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] sentinel | Running...
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] proxy    | Running...
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] exporter | Running...
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] exporter | INFO[0000] Starting Server: :9187                        source="postgres_exporter.go:1837"
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] proxy    | [WARNING] 012/214249 (543) : parsing [/fly/haproxy.cfg:37]: Missing LF on last line, file might have been truncated at position 171. This will become a hard error in HAProxy 2.3.
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] proxy    | [NOTICE] 012/214249 (543) : New worker #1 (560) forked
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] keeper   | 2022-01-13T21:42:49.268Z      INFO    cmd/keeper.go:2091      exclusive lock on data dir taken
2022-01-13T21:42:49.000 [info] sentinel | 2022-01-13T21:42:49.268Z      INFO    cmd/sentinel.go:2000    sentinel uid    {"uid": "5f92a92e"}
2022-01-13T21:42:50.000 [info] checking stolon status
2022-01-13T21:42:50.000 [info] panic: error checking stolon status: cannot create kv store: Unexpected response code: 403 (rpc error making call: ACL not found)
2022-01-13T21:42:50.000 [info] : exit status 1
2022-01-13T21:42:50.000 [info] goroutine 9 [running]:
2022-01-13T21:42:50.000 [info] main.main.func2(0xc0000ce000)
2022-01-13T21:42:50.000 [info]  /go/src/ +0x705
2022-01-13T21:42:50.000 [info] created by main.main
2022-01-13T21:42:50.000 [info]  /go/src/ +0x405
2022-01-13T21:42:50.000 [info] Main child exited normally with code: 2
2022-01-13T21:42:51.000 [info] Reaped child process with pid: 546 and signal: SIGKILL, core dumped? false
2022-01-13T21:42:51.000 [info] Reaped child process with pid: 543 and signal: SIGKILL, core dumped? false
2022-01-13T21:42:51.000 [info] Reaped child process with pid: 537 and signal: SIGHUP, core dumped? false
2022-01-13T21:42:51.000 [info] Reaped child process with pid: 530 and signal: SIGHUP, core dumped? false
2022-01-13T21:42:51.000 [info] Reaped child process with pid: 560, exit code: 1
2022-01-13T21:42:51.000 [info] Starting clean up.
2022-01-13T21:42:51.000 [info] Umounting /dev/vdc from /data
***v0 failed - Failed due to unhealthy allocations and deploying as v1 

Troubleshooting guide at

Connect to postgres
Any app within the personal organization can connect to postgres using the above credentials and the hostname "health-aid-db.internal."
For example: postgres://postgres:17b97d660c1d9e1782f3b012792d44f52e26504f7762c45c@health-aid-db.internal:5432

See the postgres docs for more information on next steps, managing postgres, connecting from outside fly:
Error An unknown error occured.

This looks like an error on our end preventing the DB from getting created properly. We’re looking into it, sorry about that!

This should be fixed now, if you run fly launch again, you will be able to point your app at the DB that was already created. Please let us know if you hit any more issues!

Deleted everything and tried again a few times, the last one worked after chanign the app name… THANK YOU

Were you getting an error with the previous app name?