fly ips allocate-ipv6 is very very confusing

I basically just want a private ip v6 that is internal-only, that lets me hit my application.

It seems like flycast/private ipv6 is what I want, but:

[cole@zeph:~/work/code/redact]$ fly ips allocate-v6 --private --org 'my-org' --app redact
VERSION IP                      TYPE    REGION  CREATED AT
v6      fdaa:0:4da4:0:1::2d     private global  just now
  1. I wish it showed the app association in the output.
  2. What does it mean the region is global, even though my app is deploy to REGION?

also it shows like this:

no indication that the ipv6 is private (though it is in a private range, is it private to my org??)

Also, there’s no way to see org-wide private ip-v6 in the dashboard?

It’s VERY hard to understand what this command is doing from the output. It’s not clear what associated an ipv6 with the org vs the app is. I’m just left very confused.

IPv6 addresses are associated with apps. They are automatically accessible to any app in your org.

I basically just want a private ip v6 that is internal-only, that lets me hit my application.

You did the right thing, your new IP fdaa:0:4da4:0:1::2d already does that.

regarding app association: yeah, it was implicit ‘app’ again, and the fact this project now has two fly.tomls. I’ve now more appropriately arranged them to prevent this mistake. (I also imagined a FLY_NO_IMPLICIT_APP) that required you to specify the app explicitly each time).

And yes, I had a different error that made me think flycast was doing more than I thought. I do indeed see this working, and do now remember that I’ve thought about this before and effectively need this public anyway.

Also, to close out my confusion, I was seeing a [shared] tag previously, I guess the UI doesn’t have an element/indicator for private.

Thanks for clearing it up! Love the wireguard feature, paired with ipv6 and some caddy magic, it’s quite a neat pairing.

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