can't reach mysql database hosted in Indonesia

I have mysql at (served by an Indonesian hosting)
and my Fly ip address is at

Doing traceroute from the VM to the mysql, I got this

The database is UP and reachable from my local machine, yet I can’t Ping it from the Fly Machine

The hosting provider did traceroute from their side to the VM and able to reach the VM

Hi… I was able to ping that address from a Fly Machine in ewr (NYC), so you may have just ended up with an egress IP that has a low reputation with that particular provider, etc.

This is your ingress address, incidentally; on the platform, that is distinct from the one that you use to make outgoing requests, :cactus:. (This surprises a lot of people.)

I would try just making a new machine in a different, nearby region (e.g., syd or nrt) and see whether that fares better…

Hope this helps a little!

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