fly dns now returning stale results for wg peers

ā•­ zeph  ~/work/code/xyz dev-env 4sec 771ms colemickens/featureX* āœ˜35
ā•°šŸ”’  dig +noall +answer tube-colemickens._peer.internal aaaa @fdaa:0:4da4::3
tube-colemickens._peer.internal. 5 IN   AAAA    fdaa:0:4da4:a7b:ce2:0:a:102

ā•­ zeph  ~/work/code/xyz dev-env 831ms colemickens/featureX*
ā•°šŸ”’  fly wireguard list 'redact-inc' | grep tube
| tube-colemickens                  | bos    | fdaa:0:4da4:a7b:ce2:0:a:402   |

any suggestions?

To clarify, I can tell that resolution from inside my deployed instance is/was also wrong.

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