'fly deploy' stuck on 'waiting for depot builder'

I have an app running on fly, which I deploy to daily.
I’ve been unable to deploy for the past 12 hours, it gets stuck on waiting for depot builder.

I’m using macOS, flyctl version is ‘v0.3.72’. I tried reinstalling flyctl as well.

have you tried resetting your builder? if that doesn’t help you can try and use the old remote builder instead of Depot’s using the --remote-only option

how do I reset the builder?

from the dashboard, under “App builders”

The ‘Reset’ button seems to not be doing anything, but --remote-only worked, thank you!

Should I do something so it will work without --remote-only as well?

I wouldn’t do anything at the moment, the depot remote builder is a third party service, I’d wait and see if it’s a problem Depot are having and thus will go away eventually

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thanks a ton!

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Hi, I’m experiencing the same problem:

$ flyctl deploy --remote-only
==> Verifying app config
--> Verified app config

Validating /home/rootall/apps/app/.wasp/build/fly.toml
✓ Configuration is valid
==> Building image
Waiting for depot builder...

==> Building image
Waiting for depot builder...

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: context deadline exceeded

I’m deploying a Wasp App.
Reset Builder does nothing.

I cannot deploy any app, same problem with all.

I just experienced this issued.

fly deploy --depot=false

This is slower, but seems to work.

Depot Status does not show being done.

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I wouldn’t consider this issue “solved”. The problem still exists, albeit with a workaround (and the workaround can result in much slower deployments – which can result in more downstream impact).


Having the same issue here! hope this is fixed soon, it’s been this way for a few days.

Been doing fly deploy --local-only to get around it but it’s slow af, so not ideal longterm.

fly deploy --remote-only didn’t work for me, same hangup

24 hours without the possibility to deploy, any news?

fly deploy has been working for me without using the --remote-only option since feb 5.