Using automatic Laravel detection with fly launch
. it fails at the build stage below
=> [base 6/6] RUN if grep -Fq "laravel/octane" /var/www/html/composer.json; then rm -rf /etc/services.d/php-fpm; 0.3s
=> [node_modules_go_brrr 6/7] COPY --from=base /var/www/html/vendor /app/vendor 0.7s
=> ERROR [node_modules_go_brrr 7/7] RUN if [ -f "vite.config.js" ]; then ASSET_CMD="build"; else ASSET_CMD="p 1.1s
> [node_modules_go_brrr 7/7] RUN if [ -f "vite.config.js" ]; then ASSET_CMD="build"; else ASSET_CMD="production"; fi; if [ -f "yarn.lock" ]; then yarn install --frozen-lockfile; yarn $ASSET_CMD; elif [ -f "package-lock.json" ]; then npm ci --no-audit; npm run $ASSET_CMD; else npm install; npm run $ASSET_CMD; fi;:
#19 0.732 npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/app/package.json'
#19 0.742 npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
#19 0.751 npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/app/package.json'
Note this is using Laravel with API only, as such, there’s no npm/yarn, which I think is the error.