Fly builder consistently failing

My remote builder consistently times out every time I try to deploy my app.

==> Building image
WARN Remote builder did not start in time. Check remote builder logs with flyctl logs -a fly-builder-hidden-surf-3240
WARN Failed to start remote builder heartbeat: remote builder app unavailable
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error connecting to docker: remote builder app unavailable

If I am understanding this right, it appears to be unable to connect to docker. The following messages loop endlessly on my builder machines logs:

[info] time=“2023-11-30T22:13:06.603587048Z” level=debug msg=“checking docker activity”
[info] time=“2023-11-30T22:13:06.603831355Z” level=debug msg=“Calling GET /v1.41/containers/json?filters=%7B%22status%22%3A%7B%22running%22%3Atrue%7D%7D&limit=0”

I’ve already destroyed the builder and remade it with no luck. I haven’t made any changes to my Dockerfile or fly.toml since it was last working, so I am unsure of how this could be a problem on my end.

It’s been a few days and nothing has changed. Any help would be appreciated!

I fixed it using:

fly wireguard reset
fly wireguard websockets enable

Not sure which command did it though…

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