Fly autoscaler returns "empty Prometheus result"

Attempted to follow the guide here (Autoscale based on metrics · Fly Docs) for scaling based on metrics. But when I deploy the image I just get the following error:

{"level":"ERROR","msg":"metrics collection failed","app":"snoculars","err":"collect metric (\"qdepth\"): empty prometheus result"}

Here is my Fly config:

app = "snoculars-autoscaler"

image = "flyio/fly-autoscaler:0.3.1"

FAS_PROMETHEUS_QUERY = "sum(queue_depth{app='$APP_NAME'})"

FAS_ORG = "snoculars-inc"
FAS_APP_NAME = "snoculars"
FAS_CREATED_MACHINE_COUNT = "min(50, qdepth / 2)"

port = 9090
path = "/metrics"

Here are the logs for the machine:

2024-10-17T01:33:10.534 runner[48e2255a197098] ord [info] Machine created and started in 7.487s

2024-10-17T01:33:10.579 app[48e2255a197098] ord [info] 2024/10/17 01:33:10 INFO fly-autoscaler version=v0.3.1 commit=c4cd2cf5680f1a6ae1eb33325a44698336104754

2024-10-17T01:33:10.579 app[48e2255a197098] ord [info] {"level":"INFO","msg":"connected to fly"}

2024-10-17T01:33:10.579 app[48e2255a197098] ord [info] {"level":"INFO","msg":"metrics collectors initialized","n":1}

2024-10-17T01:33:10.579 app[48e2255a197098] ord [info] {"level":"INFO","msg":"reconciler pool initialized, beginning loop","interval":"15s","timeout":"30s","appListRefreshInterval":"1m0s","collectors":1,"created":"min(50, qdepth / 2)","started":""}

2024-10-17T01:33:10.579 app[48e2255a197098] ord [info] {"level":"INFO","msg":"serving metrics","addr":":9090"}

2024-10-17T01:33:10.638 app[48e2255a197098] ord [info] 2024/10/17 01:33:10 INFO SSH listening listen_address=[fdaa:0:2968:a7b:316:919e:d688:2]:22 dns_server=[fdaa::3]:53

2024-10-17T01:33:25.964 app[48e2255a197098] ord [info] {"level":"ERROR","msg":"metrics collection failed","app":"snoculars","err":"collect metric (\"qdepth\"): empty prometheus result"}

2024-10-17T01:33:41.707 app[48e2255a197098] ord [info] {"level":"ERROR","msg":"metrics collection failed","app":"snoculars","err":"collect metric (\"qdepth\"): empty prometheus result"}

Is the guide up to date? Has anything changed? I want to scale based on CPU/memory usage… so not sure if this is the correct way to do it?

Also this doesn’t work either:

fly tokens create org -o snoculars-inc
export TOKEN='token from above'
curl \
  --data-urlencode 'query=sum(increase(fly_edge_http_responses_count)) by (app, status)' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

This returns an error:

something went wrong resolving organization

What am I doing wrong?

I can at least answer your CLI query question- for querying Prometheus with an org-restricted token you don’t include Bearer (the FlyV1 auth scheme is already in the returned token string), so try -H "Authorization: $TOKEN" instead.

1 Like

Gotcha. That did fix that issue. Thanks! Maybe I’m using the wrong token then perhaps for the autoscaler then? I will do more debugging and see if that could be the issue.

Added autoscaling, metrics

@dmitry Have you got the solution of this issue? I am facing the same issue so wondering if you got the solution or something?

@dmitry Did you figure out why this was happening? It would be great if you could share it with us.

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