fdaa:0:4556::3 - WireGuard gateway intermittent failure

Sometimes the WireGuard gateway - specifically fdaa:0:4556::3 - is failing to respond to pings. This is problematic since our GitHub Actions runner is unable to establish connectivity to our Dagger Engine running on Fly.io: FWIW Run Dagger Engine as a Fly Machine (no more Docker) by gerhard · Pull Request #471 · thechangelog/changelog.com · GitHub

Since we introduced a fallback mechanism (Make our ship_it.yml GHA workflow resilient by gerhard · Pull Request #476 · thechangelog/changelog.com · GitHub), this is less of a problem, but I would appreciate double-checking that:

  • we are not doing something obviously wrong
  • we understand why this is failing
  • there is a path to improving it

You can see the latest failure in this job run (I expect these logs to be pruned within the next 30 days): Fix `1st argument: not a bitstring` error · thechangelog/changelog.com@306769e · GitHub

For posterity, here is a point-in-time screenshot:

On a fresh GitHub Actions runner, we perform the following steps sequentially:

  1. :lock: Install WireGuard & friends…
  2. :closed_lock_with_key: Configure WireGuard tunnel…
  3. :xray: Check IPv6 routes…
  4. :xray: Check DNS resolution…
  5. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Can we ping fdaa:0:4556::3 ?
  6. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Can we resolve dagger-engine-2023-05-20.internal via fdaa:0:4556::3 ?
  7. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Can we ping fdaa:0:4556:a7b:15f:b690:cc49:2 ?
  8. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Can we connect to Dagger running on fdaa:0:4556:a7b:15f:b690:cc49:2 ?
  9. :vertical_traffic_light: Run on tcp://[fdaa:0:4556:a7b:15f:b690:cc49:2]:8080

This is what a successful run looks like: Run Dagger Engine as a Fly Machine (no more Docker) (#471) · thechangelog/changelog.com@60664a2 · GitHub

And this is a failing run (same config for both runs): Fix `1st argument: not a bitstring` error · thechangelog/changelog.com@306769e · GitHub

How can we improve this?

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