Failure While Scaling Postgres

I have a postgres application that I attempted to scale via the console. However, it looks like database is now in recovery mode and is effectively down. When I look at the logs I get the message:

ERROR: recovery is in progress

2022-05-25T22:46:51.843 app[] ord [info] keeper | 2022-05-25 22:46:51.842 UTC [773] HINT: WAL control functions cannot be executed during recovery.

2022-05-25T22:46:51.843 app[] ord [info] keeper | 2022-05-25 22:46:51.842 UTC [773] STATEMENT:

2022-05-25T22:46:51.843 app[] ord [info] keeper | SELECT slot_name, database, active, pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_current_wal_lsn(), restart_lsn)

2022-05-25T22:46:51.843 app[] ord [info] keeper | FROM pg_replication_slots

2022-05-25T22:46:51.843 app[] ord [info] keeper |

2022-05-25T22:46:51.843 app[] ord [info] exporter | INFO[2185511] Error running query on database: pg_replication_slots pq: recovery is in progress source="postgres_exporter.go:1490"

Is there anything I can do to get it live again? Will it recover itself eventually?

I ended up restarting the app and it was fixed.