Failed to start remote builder heartbeat

Update: my builds are working again.

Response from Eli from support regarding my specific issue which may help with future issues if you are outside the US:

You may have already seen this ( Status - SIN deployment / connectivity issues) but we recently were able to resolve some significant packet loss out of SIN with our upstream providers, so it’s possible that your deploys are working better now-- it looks like your current builder is in SIN, so it might have been affected by this issue.

If not, you may want to try moving your machine to a region in the US, closer to our registry origin. Currently, builders are created in the region closest to you. We’re currently working on a built-in solution, but at the moment you might have better luck manually moving your builder to the US:

  1. Make sure you have a recent flyctl (v0.0.443 at least, safer to get the very latest though)
  2. Find your builder machine ID via: fly machine ls -a <your-fly-builder-app-name>
  3. Clone the machine in a new region: fly machine clone <machine-id> --region <some-US-region> -a <your-fly-builder-app-name>
  4. Destroy your previous machine (fly machine remove <old-machine-id>)
  5. Destroy your old volume (fly volume delete <old-volume-id>)