External Connections to Fly Postgres (Update: Where's my data???)

I’m totally confused, I am trying to follow the instructions outlined in External Connections · Fly Docs but I still can’t connect to my database from an external network. According to the fly.toml reference, all I need to map an internal port to an external port is correctly configured [[services.ports]] section. I think mine looks fine.

  protocol = "tcp"
  internal_port = 5432

    port = 5432
    handlers = ["pg_tls"]
    type = "connections"
    hard_limit = 1000
    soft_limit = 1000

  protocol = "tcp"
  internal_port = 5433

    port = 5433
    handlers = ["pg_tls"]
    type = "connections"
    hard_limit = 1000
    soft_limit = 1000

Furthermore , the fly info command doesn’t include the shared IPv4 I have assigned to my machine. This being a deprecated command, I can’t tell if this is relevant.

PROTOCOL        PORTS                   FORCE HTTPS
TCP             5432 => 5432 [PG_TLS]   False
TCP             5433 => 5433 [PG_TLS]   False

IP Addresses
TYPE            ADDRESS                 REGION  CREATED AT
private_v6      fdaa:2:1de0:0:1::2      global  2023-05-05T01:46:00Z

The shared IP address does appear in the web UI and if I use the fly ips list command

VERSION         IP                      TYPE            REGION  CREATED AT
private_v6      fdaa:2:1de0:0:1::2      private         global  2023-05-05T01:46:00Z
v4              public (shared)

Well, I woke up and realized my test application doesn’t work because it can’t log in to the database after following the steps External Connections · Fly Docs

It occured to me to use fly ssh to check on the machine myself and see what’s going. Something very interesting happened. First of all I tried to use psql and was surprised with the message

psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
        Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?

So I immediately thought I was on the wrong machine. So I had to double check. I used fly machines list and got this:

ID              NAME                    STATE   REGION  IMAGE                           IP ADDRESS                      VOLUME                  CREATED                LAST UPDATED            APP PLATFORM    PROCESS GROUP   SIZE
e286552ec32358  winter-river-5389       started dfw     flyio/postgres:14 (v0.0.38)     fdaa:2:1de0:a7b:ed:36a6:2bad:2  vol_3q80vd3g0z1rgzy6    2023-05-05T01:46:06Z   2023-05-06T03:19:32Z    v2              app             shared-cpu-1x:256MB

So this time I made use to use fly ssh console -s --app <my bermudi app> to make sure I was connecting to the correct machine running postgres. And indeed I am, I can log in to the postgres user and the hostname matches the machine ID i got previously. So why am I getting the previous error message? Surprisingly, if I add the -h <my bermudi app>.internal I can connect just fine to the database using the postgres username and the password that was generated when I first deployed my app and I was asked if I wanted to setup a postgres database for it. And without any network related tools like ping, traceroute or even ip I can’t I still can’t tell for sure if I am connecting to postgres on my e286552ec32358 machine or to somewhere else in the internal network.

Now, for the cherry on top. I can’t see any signs of my app information anywhere in the database. All I am seeing are the default tables created by postgres. What is the point of volumes then? Both df and mount -l confirm there is an additional volume /dev/vdb mounted in /data, so where’s my data??

I know I probably have no business trying to deploy here but I am trying to pick-up and learn new things and skills after spending years away from I.T. and I am totally stuck here with a lot of questions and very few ideas on what to try next.

@bermudi It looks the image that you originally deployed was using the flex implementation:


Then I see a new deploy that pushed the image:


The latter is the image that runs the Stolon implementation and a completely different major version.

The good news, is that it looks like your original postgres directory is still intact, so try and re-deploy using the correct image.

E.G. registry-1.docker.io/flyio/postgres-flex:15.2

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Thanks a lot for taking time to answer!! I was trying to follow the instructions and probably got confused and deployed the tag in the instructions instead of my tag. As soon as I deployed the right tag my test app came back to life!

But I still have a few questions. Or maybe a lot. First, where you able to identify and troubleshoot the issue because you are a fly.io employee? What I mean is that I tried to go through the entire flyctl reference and I couldn’t find a way to display any information about v0 with any command. For example, fly history shows the creation of secrets in the day I deployed my test app but no Release complete:

TYPE    STATUS          DESCRIPTION                             USER                            DATE
Release complete        Release                                 <redacted>      7m46s ago
Release complete        Release                                 <redacted>      23h38m ago
Release complete        Release                                 <redacted>      23h43m ago
Secret                  SSH_CERT (a257c2e9611b5273)             <redacted>      2023-05-05T01:46:02Z
Secret                  SSH_KEY (3333e3957f42499a)              <redacted>      2023-05-05T01:46:01Z
Secret                  OPERATOR_PASSWORD (779b2c154ee32571)    <redacted>      2023-05-05T01:46:01Z
Secret                  REPL_PASSWORD (7b77efd0ac094f7b)        <redacted>      2023-05-05T01:46:01Z
Secret                  SU_PASSWORD (9bf642fdec3e45c2)          <redacted>      2023-05-05T01:46:01Z
Secret                  FLY_CONSUL_URL (7053060e9cf5c0a1)       <redacted>      2023-05-05T01:46:01Z

fly app releases --image doesn’t show any signs of v0 either:

DESCRIPTION     USER                            DATE            DOCKER IMAGE
v3      complete Release         <redacted>      9m33s ago       registry-1.docker.io/flyio/postgres-flex@sha256:5b83beb33bf77ef3079bc8e8672534dd1bfe046562991b686b83dd3e9bbb2090
v2      complete Release         <redacted>      23h40m ago      registry-1.docker.io/flyio/postgres@sha256:72c4931316e747f2a9a9aeba2405017ddd1d9e71a238b5febfbc5a9a9181d8e6
v1      complete Release         <redacted>      23h44m ago      registry-1.docker.io/flyio/postgres@sha256:72c4931316e747f2a9a9aeba2405017ddd1d9e71a238b5febfbc5a9a9181d8e6

Web dashboard is the same, there is no sign of v0 anywhere

Another thing I just noticed, when I saved the information when creating my test app the generated output was this:

VERSION STATUS   Postgres cluster <appname>-db created
  Username:    postgres
  Password:    <password>
  Hostname:    <appname>-db.internal
  Flycast:     fdaa:2:1de0:0:1::2
  Proxy port:  5432
  Postgres port:  5433
  Connection string: postgres://postgres:<password>@<appname>-db.flycast:5432

I obviously edited the output to show it here but please notice that there is a discrepancy in the Hostname: and the Connection string: one has .internal and the other one has .flycast

Looks like they work interchangeably but you guys probably want to generate a consistent output

Another thing. Even though my app is back up and working, I still can’t connect to the database remotely. And I still don’t understand why if I ssh into the machine I still have to specify the host because without it I’m getting the same error:

psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
        Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?

I also noticed my machine has a different ipv6 address than the one provided (fdaa:2:1de0:0:1::2) and both work as valid psql -h option as well as but that’s probably you guys doing some crazy routing over there

Sorry for being a nuisance.

I was really hoping for an answer to these questions I had. I was never able to connect to my database from the outside to do the testing I needed and I am not sure if I’m missing something or if the platform doesn’t provide all the necessary information for me to debug my own issues.

Worth mentioning that Postgres apps cannot be accessed externally via a shared IPv4, as those only support HTTP handlers. External access requires either an IPv6 or a dedicated IPv4.


This is probably intentional. Looking at the source, the .flycast address (which is a subset of .internal, see New Feature: .flycast domains) might not exist. The connection string uses it if it exists, otherwise it falls back to the .internal address; while the hostname always uses .internal (which must exist). That makes sense to me.

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