Exposing prometheus metric collection for machines?

I’m wondering how I can tell the provided prometheus to collect metrics from machines created via the API. There does not seem to be any configuration for that in the docs.


I believe that you can do this by adding metrics to your config like this:

  "config": {
    "metrics": {
      "port": 9187,
      "path": "/metrics"

(This particular example is from a Fly Postgres machine—I pulled the config down with fly machines status -d.)

Will try this out, thanks!

I’ve got this in my config for machine creation, but I do not see the custom metrics being pulled into grafana

"services": [
            "ports": [
                "port": 80,
                "handlers": ["http"]
            "protocol" : "tcp",
            "internal_port" : 8190
            "ports": [
                "port": 8191,
                "handlers": ["http"]
            "protocol" : "tcp",
            "internal_port" : 8191
        "metrics": {
          "port": 8191,
          "path": "/metrics"

And I can query it through the load balancer, so it’s definitely serving on

Seems like after a while it has started to pick them up, but I still don’t see all of them…

Ok, after a long while they all started showing!

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