{'error': 'server returned a non-200 status code: 500'} when trying to add mount / volume to machine!

When I attempt to attach a volume via the fly.io machines api it gives me this cryptic error message.

payload = {
        "config": {
            "region": "jnb",
            "init": {},
            "image": f"ollama/ollama:latest",
            "auto_destroy": True,
            "restart": {"policy": "always"},
            "mounts": [
                    "name": "ollama",
                    "path": "/root/.ollama",
                    "size_gb": 10,
            "services": [
                    "internal_port": 11434,
                    "protocol": "tcp",
            "guest": {
                "cpu_kind": "performance",
                "cpus": 2,
                "memory_mb": 8192,
                # "gpus": 1,
                # "gpu_kind": "a100-pcie-40gb",

    response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)

    return response.json()

This just prints out this message:
{‘error’: ‘server returned a non-200 status code: 500’}

And when I make the volumes / mounts have 0 items , It successfully creates the image.

I have a volume with the same name in my app, which I created manually (It gave the same error when the volume wasn’t there, so I assume this isn’t a name collision.)

For now I can’t really do anything, because there is quite a bit of infrastructure that we are working on that relies on volumes (Selfhosting AI infrastructure seems to be cheaper than openai, and works better for our usecase)

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Hi @AdonisCodes—thanks for posting. Could you try specifying a volume ID in the mounts section instead and let me know if that works? That is,

"mounts": [
        "volume": "vol_XXX",
        "path": "/root/.ollama",

where vol_XXX is the ID of the volume you’d like to attach the Machine to.

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