Error failed creating volume: Validation failed: Size gb must be between 1GB and 500GB

I was hoping to create a 2-3TB volume, but got this error message.

Error failed creating volume: Validation failed: Size gb must be between 1GB and 500GB

Is there a way to achieve this?


We don’t currently support >500GB volumes. What are you trying to do? We should have support for larger volumes by the end of the year.

Thanks for the update.

Looking to run a bitcoin node, large blocks.

We at Yomi Games want to run an Avax validator node as well.

Minimum specs for:

  • CPU: Equivalent of 8 AWS vCPU
  • RAM: 16 GiB
  • Storage: 1 TB
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 or MacOS >= Catalina

Hope we can get tb+ volumes later.

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@kurt do you know if Fly is still planning on releasing >500GB volume support this year?

Did support for volumes greater than 500GB land in any form? Some threads mention it might be possible to do it manually, but looks like the flyctl command line has a client side limit as well.

I’m dangerously close to exhausting the current 500GB limit and would prefer to not have to migrate away.

Similarly, I have a database that will likely hit the 500GB volume size limit this year. Ideally I can expand the volume and continue running on Fly without any issues.