I tried to deploy last night and this morning but I keep getting the same error about deadline exceeded…I assume after waiting too long for a builder.
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Just followed the Elixir app guide, was able to set secrets and set DB but am having the same problem.
flyctl also hangs when I try to access logs.
$ fly deploy
Deploying app-name-here
==> Validating app configuration
--> Validating app configuration done
TCP 80/443 ⇢ 8080
Waiting for remote builder fly-builder-some-name-3213... connecting ⣽
Error error connecting to docker: host unavailable: context deadline exceeded
$ flyctl logs
@NickJ @Douglas can you delete the builder and try again? flyctl apps destroy {name}
We have a fix (or rather a massive improvement) coming soon, but don’t want you waiting on that.
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Thanks @michael , destroying the builder fixed this
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Easy fix! Thanks again!