Error: could not get a list of machines: failed to list VMs

Hi, For some reason i cannot restart the machine. Neither to list the machines.
the error for “fly machines list command” is:
Error: machines could not be retrieved .
and for “flyctl machine restart”
Error: could not get a list of machines: failed to list VMs: unauthorized (Request ID: 01J5X916PH6KQQB61BSX4Z1DVK-fra)
Can you give me a hint?
Thank you!

I ran into this error.
Try using fly machine list instead of fly machines list.

machine and machines are the same alias. Try fly auth login. The unauthorize error probably means your session expired?

Not working… machines/machine/m, same alias. same error…

first i ran: fly auth logout, after fly auth login and in the end the fly machines list…

solved… Itself…

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