Error: Could not find App "sparkling-water-5941"

After running the fly launch. I encountered issues:

  1. Error to attach postgres to the app
  2. Error not able to create Redis
  3. When I run fly deploy it threw another flag that no app found
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Hey @sheriffdeenalade welcome to the community :sunglasses:

I see that app is in pending state. A fresh deploy should work to properly provision the app and bring up a machine. Can you try LOG_LEVEL=debug flyctl deploy, making sure to run it from the directory that has your app’s fly.toml and Dockerfile?

The debug output should give you some more insight, should anything go wrong again. Posting specific error messages is always helpful.

I see that the PG app was created, so when you manage to deploy your sparkling-water-5941 app, you can run fly pg attach sparkling-water-5941-db --app sparkling-water-5941 to connect them.

To manually create an Upstash Redis cluster, run fly redis create.

Hope that helps!

Where do I add the log level into. Please

From the same directory as you ran fly launch, you can run LOG_LEVEL=debug flyctl deploy as a command. You’ll see the deploy start with additional logs printed.

Here is documentation that can help you troubleshoot: Troubleshooting your deployment, debug logging

I ran it earlier it was saying LOG_LEVEL is not recognized. I later relaunched the app and It was showing this now.

We’re sorry, but something went wrong.

If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.
Please, what can be the issue again. I am using a free plan for now.

Are you on Windows? If so, you can run:

cmd /C "set LOG_LEVEL=debug && flyctl deploy"
1 Like

Thanks that worked.
I noticed this from my monitor screen:
2023-08-15T18:40:08.441 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] ERROR No such file or directory (os error 2) and so
2023-08-15T18:40:08.465 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] I, [2023-08-15T18:40:08.464609 #255] INFO – : [018b191b-9fd0-4daf-bf21-344121d7d547] Started GET “/users/sign_in” for at 2023-08-15 18:40:08 +0000

2023-08-15T18:40:08.467 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] I, [2023-08-15T18:40:08.466743 #255] INFO – : [018b191b-9fd0-4daf-bf21-344121d7d547] Processing by Users::SessionsController#new as HTML

2023-08-15T18:40:08.498 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] I, [2023-08-15T18:40:08.497917 #255] INFO – : [018b191b-9fd0-4daf-bf21-344121d7d547] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 31ms (ActiveRecord: 9.8ms | Allocations: 5549)

2023-08-15T18:40:08.499 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] F, [2023-08-15T18:40:08.499240 #255] FATAL – : [018b191b-9fd0-4daf-bf21-344121d7d547]

2023-08-15T18:40:08.499 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] [018b191b-9fd0-4daf-bf21-344121d7d547] ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation “users” does not exist

2023-08-15T18:40:08.499 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] LINE 9: WHERE a.attrelid = ‘“users”’::regclass

2023-08-15T18:40:08.499 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] ^

2023-08-15T18:40:08.499 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] ):

2023-08-15T18:40:08.499 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] [018b191b-9fd0-4daf-bf21-344121d7d547]

2023-08-15T18:40:08.499 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] [018b191b-9fd0-4daf-bf21-344121d7d547] activerecord (7.0.7) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql/database_statements.rb:19:in `exec’

2023-08-15T18:40:08.499 app[e784ee91c45048] atl [info] [018b191b-9fd0-4daf-bf21-344121d7d547] activerecord (7.0.7) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql/database_statements.rb:19:in `block (2 levels) in query’

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