I am getting the following error on some static images uploaded in the public folder.
There are other images and files in the same folder that are loading without any problem.
Any suggestion?
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/app/public/btn_google_signin_light_pressed_web.png'] {
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info] errno: -13,
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info] code: 'EACCES',
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info] syscall: 'open',
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info] path: '/app/public/btn_google_signin_light_pressed_web.png',
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info] expose: false,
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info] statusCode: 500,
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info] status: 500
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info]}