errno -13 on some static files?

I am getting the following error on some static images uploaded in the public folder.
There are other images and files in the same folder that are loading without any problem.
Any suggestion?

Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/app/public/btn_google_signin_light_pressed_web.png'] {
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info]  errno: -13,
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info]  code: 'EACCES',
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info]  syscall: 'open',
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info]  path: '/app/public/btn_google_signin_light_pressed_web.png',
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info]  expose: false,
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info]  statusCode: 500,
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info]  status: 500
2023-05-15T13:42:25Z app[44b5e0ad] hkg [info]}

Hi @titocosta. If you haven’t already, you could open a shell on your app through SSH (fly ssh console) and check the ownership and permissions for that file, e.g. with ls -l or stat. Perhaps it’s different from the other static files? (I wouldn’t have expected this, but that’s what EACCES generally indicates.)

Thanks. Indeed I had downloaded a set of branded images in a zip file (google sign-in buttons).
Read attribute was missing from “others” in my local machine which caused the problem on the instance too.

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